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  • Writer's pictureLouise Payne


Updated: Jan 12, 2022

This painting explores a radiating colour vision.

It dances in a dimension beyond the physical, perhaps in the etheric.

Here, felt spiritual qualities - vibrating as colour - are interconnected, like a web, and subtly ordered, like a rainbow.

Perceiving colour as part of a continuum; this spectrum changes across space, with inherent flow, and subtle transition, a perfect alchemy of light and dark, and immaculate state of harmony.

The vibrations of colour, which sing out like sound and interpenetrate in space tell us we are not separate.

The vibrations of the Mother of God, rays of blue divinity, reach out to us and transform us.

In the selfless nature of the Trinity, one colour flows out and gives itself to the next, in a never ending eternal flow of Love.

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