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Maria Louisa

Maria Louisa (Louise Payne) worked as a professional artist since 2003, and was a member of the Royal Cambrian Academy, Conwy, Wales from 2012-2021. She currently (2023) enjoys the flow of creating paintings alongside caring for people. She specializes in end-of-life care, and is training in massage therapy with aspirations to become a healer with particular focus on Rosen Bodywork and Vibrational Healing methods.

Here is a summary of her past training, exhibitions and experience:

Qualifications and Training

2000 PGCE Art & Design, Secondary, Middlesex University

1997 BA (Honours) Visual Arts, First Class, Lancaster University

Solo Exhibitions 

2013 Diane Lawrenson and Louise Payne, Royal Cambrian Academy
2011 'Visions of Greeness', Bangor Museum and Art Gallery
2010 '  Pre-Sence', (with Hywel Pratley and Robert Bodem)London Wales Institute
2010 'Mediumship', :The Studio:, Aberystwyth
2009 'Reverie', Alpine Cafe and Gallery, Betws-y-coed
2007 'New Works', The Alpine Cafe Gallery, Betws y-coed
2006 'Voices of Silence', Theatr Ardudwy, Harlech


Selected Group Exhibitions

2014 Summer Exhibition MOMA - Second Prize

2013 'Recent Academicians Exhibition' Royal Cambrian Academy 

2013 'The Wolves are Running' Wrexham Arts Centre

2013 ''Welsh Assembly Government Building' Llandudno Junction RCA exhibition  

2013 'Llawn 01' Llandudno2012 'Summer Exhibition',MOMA, Y Tabernacle, Machynlleth, Wales

2012 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition (work selected as the face of the exhibition)

2012 Elegance of Line, Royal Cambrian Academy, Conwy

2010 'Parallax', Royal Opera Arcade, Pall Mall, London

2009 'The Kyffin Williams Drawing Prize', Oriel Kyffin Williams,  Llangefni, Anglesey

2008, Williamson Art Gallery, Liverpool and venues across Wales 'Wales Portrait Award'

2006 'Art North Wales' ,Summer Exhibition, Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw

2006 'Welsh Artist of The Year', St. David's Hall, Cardiff

2006 'Group Exhibition', Redbill Gallery, Deeside 2005

2004 'Summer Exhibition', Tabernacle, Machynlleth, Wales

1997 'Northern Graduates', The Business Art Galleries, London

Awards and Press

2012 Elected Member of Royal Cambrian Academy, Conwy

2011 Review in 'Parallax' magazine

1996 Scholarship for travel and materials, Fylde College, Lancaster University

1997 Independent on Sunday, Colour Supplement review of the exhibition

        'Northern Graduates', Curwen Gallery, London, (with personal mention).




Artistic Statement 2012  

I am working to develop a visual language which encapsulates the truths that have been revealed to me in moments of vision and inspiration. During moments of love for nature or the human spirit the divine shines through.

The artworks are like windows or portals where these understandings or ‘seeings’ can be transmuted through my own spirit as an artist into the physical properties of the artwork.

If the transmission and embodiment of the vision is successfully carried out, there is potential for the viewer to share in that realization.

Thus while the language is a personal one, the message must vie to be universal.

A few years ago I asked myself what my focus was as an artist. These words immediately came to mind:


'Why limit yourself? Your subject is life and the expression is you.'


Role of artist/shaman/healer: One of 'seeing' and 'revealing' hidden divine laws. These laws are eternal, unchanging, and have been discovered and embodied in all of the sacred arts of the past and present. My journey has been one of connecting to these eternal truths along with giving birth to my own visual language as an artist; the language of my soul; already present within me.

The artworks are a result of my spirit, the Great Spirit and natural elements (the materials) coming together as one. Once 'seeing' has taken place, the creation of the artwork proceeds by allowing the soul to work in total harmony with the universe. No pushing, pulling, judging, or thinking. Just DOING, LETTING GO, SURRENDERING, LETTING IT FLOW!

I am hopeful that the works enlighten those who connect with them as I believe this to be true purpose of art. They contain 'codes' of understanding which are transmitted visually and are understood through the Heart.

I love nature. Just by being in nature and listening and loving I experience realizations and guidance.

The physical construction of the works embody my current ideas of 'Reality': Geometric structure, luminous ground, flowing coloured energy, archetypal forms, all existing in a state of harmony and love. I feel that, underneath everything, in the world of God (or whatever name you wish to put to it) is a sea of energy, constantly in flux, yet eternally in repose. Out of this sea arises an infinite number of forms which relate to each other in perfect balance; each form sings out of another, out of radiant light. A musical reality.


Artistic Statement 2006  

I am interested in the realization of eternal form. The rhythms and patterns, harmony and balance inherent in nature are my guide. I am moved to create works which contain and reflect these qualities, and which unite the human soul in this dance.

My approach relates to the Eastern Artistic perspective: Inspiration lies with the rhythm of the 'cosmic life'.

In Taoist landscape painting all elements are there in order to emphasize by contrast the void. In my practice the elements, predominantly figurative, are also played out against a luminous void. I try to depersonalize the figure so as to make a general archetypal statement about the soul and its position within the cosmic order.

I relate strongly to Cezanne's later series of drawings, entitled 'Bathers', where the figures become internalized spiritual beings which are closely interwoven with the natural phenomena about them.

Brancusi stated, 'The Greatest Happiness is the contact between our essence and the eternal essence.' It is this contact with and embodiment of 'eternal principles' that is my goal.

My work spans Eastern and Western perspectives, combining observational drawing techniques, glazing, sfumato, and geometry. I continue to experiment with different methods and processes in order to most effectively capture the vision I have.

It is my belief that 'art' has the potential to bring people with an accelerated efficiency to an awareness of themselves and of life.
It is my intention to fulfil this role as an artist.


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